Cooling Tower
Cooling Tower Product

Cooling Tower :

Cooling Tower

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Made from corrosion proof engineered plastics our Cooling Tower shell never rust, flake, chip, peel and never need painting or protective coating. We are one of the few names to manufacture totally seamless cooling towers i.e. there are no seems panel revert or hundred of fasteners to fail or compromise the performance of the product. Known as a heat-transfer unit, it is used to remove heat from any water-cooled system. Assembled with high efficiency fan it features a wide-chord design for maximum efficiency at low fan  tip speeds. It is also featured with gravity flow distribution system that allow easy and nonrestrictive maintenance. Provided with best 15 years of warranty on the cooling towers structural shell and 18 months warranty on Cooling Tower motors, our manufactured Cooling Tower is actually a true gem of technology.

•  Air Cooled Chilling Plant  •  Water Cooled Chilling Plant  •  Cooling Towers 



Water Cooled Chilling Plant Resources

Mr. Vijay N. Gujaran
Newtech Cooling Towers
/ Newtech Engineers
2,1st Floor, Opp. Sky high Tower, Shailesh Nagar, Orlem Tank Road, Malad (W) Mumbai - 400 064, Maharashtra, India
Factory Addres :
Unit No. 8-A, Tara Industrial Estate, Golani Naka, Waliw Vasai (E) - Dist. Thane

Mobile :- Mr. Vijay Gujaran      :- +91 9869050394

Newtech Cooling Towers
Website :
Air Cooled Chilling Plant Water Cooled Chiling Plant Cooling Towers