Cooling Towers
Water Cooled Chilling Plant
Water Cooled Chilling Plant Product

Water Cooled Chilling Plant :

Water Cooled Chilling Plant

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Manufactured for indoor location, Water Cooled Chilling Plant comes complete with an integrated pump / tank. Suitable for process cooling applications, it is mostly installed in Soap Industries, Plastic Industries, Anodizing, Cement, Packaging, Beverages, Chemical & Pharma Industries. It is totally assembled with premium quality components and test-run before dispatch. Fitted with highly efficient stainless steel water pumps and stainless steel  tanks it is rated for ambient and cooling water temperatures. Featured with Refrigeration Controls, Electric Panel Board it is placed on a common base which are compact and movable on wheels. 

Other Salient Features : 

•  Imported / Indigenous Compressor   •  S.S. Tank insulated with PUF
•  Imported Refrigeration Controls   •  Electric Control Panel
•  Water Cooled Condenser   •  Pipe Section Bod
•  Mobile & Compact   •  FRP Cooling Tower

•  Air Cooled Chilling Plant  •  Water Cooled Chilling Plant  •  Cooling Towers 


Water Cooled Chilling Plant Resources

Mr. Vijay N. Gujaran

Newtech Cooling Towers
 /   Newtech Engineers
2,1st Floor, Opp. Sky high Tower, Shailesh Nagar, Orlem Tank Road, Malad (W), Mumbai - 400 064, Maharashtra, India
Factory Address :
Unit No. 8-A, Tara Industrial Estate, Golani Naka, Waliw Vasai (E) - Dist. Thane

Mobile :- Mr. Vijay Gujaran  :- +91 9869050394

Newtech Cooling Towers
Website :
Air Cooled Chilling Plant Water Cooled Chilling Plant Cooling Towers